FAQ 018: How can I determine the number of tags that have been used in a project or in a report?

Tags are counted in Dream Report Studio, and you can see the number of items in the bottom left status bar in Studio, details are in Project -> Tag Dictionary.  Additionally, tags are now counted at runtime.  For example, if a report has a SQL query such as Select * From… there is no way for Studio to know how many fields (i.e., tags) will be returned, until the report is generated.  Or, if you had an ad hoc trend report on the DRWeb portal, where a user could select any tags to report on, they would only be counted at runtime, and then added to the list of known tags.

If a report adds some tags to the license count, but the limit is not exceeded – it is generated, and the next report starts count from this new number. If a report adds more tags to the license count than the license allows – it is not generated with the RC=181 error code in the project log file. You can still generate other reports, which do not exceed license limit. When you reload project, count is reset to the one from DR Studio.

Note:  When you add tags, remove, and add again – sometimes the tag counter is not refreshed. In this case, you will have to close the Studio and open it again. Then the number of tags used will be correct.